
Posts Tagged ‘love’


I love November. It has always been my favorite month, and not just because it’s my birthday month, but because it is really when fall sets in. I am so happy to be living here in Southern Oregon because it is so beautiful. Cheesy, I know, but so true. I am always so overwhelmed whenever I take it in. 

Anyway, the next two weeks are doing to be very eventful! My birthday, of course, is on Wednesday and the love of my life’s (AKA Andrew) birthday is on Friday. It’s always a nice celebration! I also have something very exiting to do tomorrow night as well! 

Wednesday will be “date-night” for us. Not sure exatly where we are going to go but I’m sure whatever happens will be fun. Thursday will be a family/friends dinner at Habanero’s. And last but not least, Andrew’s birthday party Friday night at Lava Lanes. 

I love November.

Also, the next day, Saturday, I will be leaving for my week long vacation. I’ll be spending Saturday though Wednesday at my Mom’s in Vancouver, WA then going to little ol’ Yelm, WA for Thanksgiving and visiting my family who I miss so dearly until Friday. I’ll come back home to my Mom’s, then back home to Medford on Sunday. Phew.

I. Love. November!

And did I mention how much I love my friends? I have the sweetest, most thoughtful, loving, caring friends in the world. What a lucky girl I am. 

I hope everyone else has just a great November like I’m having.

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